Mon - Fri 8.00 AM - 05.00 PM

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The Bluffs Foundation

The Bluffs Foundation found in 2021 has a simple mission: to promote, advance and provide for the social, moral, physical and educational welfare of the residents of the Bluffs in Columbia, Missouri.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Bluffs Foundation to support and enhance the lives of our residents.

To Make A donation Scan The QR Code

It's All Possible Because of You

Volunteers and donations make the Bluffs at Columbia the fantastic place that it is.

Believe in Us?

Your Charity Makes This Happen

The livelihood of The Bluffs could not be possible without the generous support of our community. The Bluffs accepts donations at all times of the year, participates in COMO Gives, establishes Memorial Gifts and has a legacy giving program.

Gifts under $100 can provide clothing, personal items and other basic needs someone may otherwise live without. 

Gifts up to $1000 can provide live music entertainment, special equipment, therapeutic music and movement classes, art classes, trips in the community and other fun and engaging opportunities. Gifts up to $1000 can provide live music entertainment, special equipment, therapeutic music and movement classes, art classes, trips in the community and other fun and engaging opportunities.

Gifts of several thousand dollars can be used for capital purchases that enrich the lives of all those who live at The Bluffs, including:

  • Audiovisual systems
  • Furniture for recreation areas
  • Commercial cooking equipment for resident use
  • Fountains and other garden landscaping that enhance meditative and relaxing outdoor experiences,
  • Quality musical instruments
  • Structural remodeling to various other Life Enrichment spaces

Are you Interested?

Let's Talk

Submit a message to us and we will be sure to get back with you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you

3105 Bluff Creek Dr. Columbia MO 65201

Phone: (573) 442-6060